Lina Lekova

Lina Lekova

Software Engineer. Meetup organizer. Believer.

About Me

I am a software enginner currently working at Vistaprint Digital. I am also heavily involved with the tech community in Boston. As a frequent Meetups goer I decided to switch lanes in 2017 and start participating in the organization of one. BostonJS had great Meetups in the past and I was hoping to continue the good work. I am also involved in the organization of the free conference BostonCodeCamp which happens every spring and fall.

Latest Projects

Most of my personal projects were created in 2015-2016-2017 period. A great New Year Resolution for this year will be to rewrite at least one of the projects in a newer technology. 🤞

local weather project

Local Weather Report - your weather forecast

App uses users browser location and requests the forecast from Open Weather Map API.

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Pomodoro Clock - the famous work technique

Pomodoro Clock is an app that follows the idea of 25 min work, small break technique. The user can choose to set up the work and break time for up to 60 minites.

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syntactic sugar

Syntactic Sugar - Our cupcake online store

Syntactic Sugar e-commenrce web appilcation which was built for a week as part of team collaboration exercise. My main responsibilities included user authentication functionality, set up and persist users shopping carts.

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Loan a Book - Book sharing platform

Loan a Book is a book sharing platform that helps users keep track of the books they gave to people and books that were given to them. Users can see the catalogue of all available books without authentication. Authenticated users can upload their books, create new loans with time limit and review lists of their loaned and borrowed books.

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Tic Tac Toe game

Well known game Tic Tac Toe created during a week long project using vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

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